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Chris Maunu named Editor of the Pacific Youth Choir Choral Series with Pavane Publishing
Be sure to order the inaugural titles in this wonderful choral series! Most of my scores remain self published under the "SATB" and "SA and TB" pages on this site.
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Chris Maunu named contributing author to "Choral Conductor's Companion"

I am honored to be named a contributing author to a Choral Conductor's Companion, published by Meredith Music and distributed by GIA! The topic discussed in my portion of the book will be on the topic of "Programming for Change."


One hundred powerful rehearsal techniques and ideas passionately shared by leading expert choral pedagogues, composers, conductors, vocologists, music therapists, researchers, speech-language pathologists, studio teachers, and professional practitioners. Each quick-to-read, insightful article includes fascinating facts about famous composers and conductors, thoughtful motivational quotes, and suggested additional reading selections. It’s an excellent university text and  “go-to” source for choral conductor-teachers at all levels. 


Click the image on the left to order this wonderful resource!

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Published in the August 2019 edition of the Choral Journal is my most recent article "Let's Get Real: Creating a Culture of Vulnerability in Choir." This article addresses how to develop a vulnerable culture through accessing our most authentic version of ourselves. In addition to an in-depth discussion of the value of vulnerability, I provide seven sure-fire tools that will get your singers to the next level of emotional wellbeing. 
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Published in the June/July 2018 edition of the Choral Journal, this article is entitled "Choral Elitism is Real: What It Is and What We Should Do about It." The blog version of this article went viral, which speaks to the need of our profession to have this uncomfortable discussion. I would encourage you to read it with an open mind and for all of us (myself included) to continue to look inward at what our role may be in this issue and what we ALL can personally do to begin to fix it.
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Featured in the November 2018 Choral Journal, Andrew Crane from Brigham Young University interviewed 6 choral directors from around the United States on the topic of "Hunting Choral Treasure." I was honored to serve on this wonderful panel. All panel members provided a unique insight into how they go about finding quality repertoire. It's a fantastic article.
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